Azure Administrator > Identities > Create and manage users

kind of users

Azure Active Directory = cloud users

Windows Server AD = synchronized users

External Azure Active Directory = users from other tenants

Microsoft Account = are the Guest Users


create users with CLI

az ad user create
--display_name "John Doe"
--password "p4ssw0rd"
--user-principal-name ""
--force-change-password-next-login true \
--mail-nickname "Johnny D."


create users with PowerShell

# Create a password object
$PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile

# Assign the password
$PasswordProfile.Password = "p4ssw0rd"

# Create the new user
New-AzureADUser -AccountEnabled $True
-DisplayName "John Doe"
-PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile
-UserPrincipalName ""
-MailNickName "Johnny D."


perform bulk user updates


manage guest accounts

same as B2B collaboration users

can invite to:

  • directory

  • group

  • application

# Send an invitation email